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Pile foundation engineering bidding announcement

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  • Release time: 2024-07-12

Tender Notice (without pre qualification)

Tender Announcement for Pile Foundation Engineering of Bokang Group Automotive Parts Industrial Park Project

  1. Project Overview

  1.1 Bidding Unit: Wuhu Bokang Electromechanical Co., Ltd.

  2. Details of the subject matter

  2.1 Service Content: BoKang Group Automotive Parts Industrial Park Project Pile Foundation Engineering;

  2.2 Bidding Method: Public Bidding;

  3. Qualification requirements for bidders

  3.1 This bidding requires bidders to have independent legal personality; Ability to fulfill the contract; Not in a state of being ordered to suspend business, having assets taken over, frozen, or bankrupt; In the past three years, there has been no fraudulent bid winning, serious breach of contract, major safety or quality issues, and corresponding construction capabilities in personnel, equipment, funds, etc.

  3.2 This bidding does not accept consortium bidding.

  3.3 The bidder has a first-class qualification for pile foundation construction.

  4. Obtaining the bidding documents

  4.1 For those who intend to participate in bidding, please obtain the bidding documents through the following contact information before October 1, 2022.

  5. Submission of bidding documents

  The deadline for submission of bidding documents (bidding deadline, the same below) is 9:30 am on October 3, 2022, at No. 15-1 Zhanghe Road, High tech Industrial Development Zone, Wuhu City, Anhui Province.

  5.2 Bid documents that are delivered late or not delivered to the designated location will not be accepted by the tenderer.

  6. Media for publishing announcements

  The bidding announcement is published on the official website of Bokang Group.

  7. Contact Information

  Operator: Huang Wenchen

  Phone: 156 5537 9688

  Email: ICO@bokanggroup.com.cn

  September 28, 2022

url: https://www.wuhubokang.com/en/news/144.html
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